Contact Us

Welcome to the world of Heart's Health and Normal Blood Pressure

Visit us in our offline store!

Please fill free to contact us anytime.

Address: 16 Mill St, Orono, ME 04473, USA

Offline Store: +1 (207) 866 3800

Online Store: +1 (888) 524 7141

General Questions: [email protected]

Careers: [email protected]

Norman Makary: [email protected]

Dr. Louisa Chen: [email protected]

Lisa Douglas: [email protected]

We are Certified

About Us

BloodPressureHeartMeds has been created by us in late 2014.

We are delighted to be your trusted source for all your heart and blood pressure medications. With a strong commitment to excellence, our online store has been serving customers since 2014, while our offline store in Orono, Maine has been in operation since 2000.

Please note: all brand names and trademarks are the properites of their respective owners. [read more]